With choices for long everyday runs, track runs, and even trail runs, Under Armour men’s running shoes pack the support and feature the tech that’ll help push you forward with every stride. Our neutral running shoes for men support natural strides and our stability shoes give extra support to help lower overpronation. We also have shoes for wide feet if you need a little more room.
When it comes to comfort, our running shoes for men know the game, and they play it well. Find cushioned running shoes that include technologies like Charged Cushioning® and UA HOVR™ that keep your feet comfortable, help absorb impact, and return the energy that you’re putting in to push you further.
Of course, the last thing you’d want when you’re putting in mile after mile is for your feet to get overheated. That’s why we’ve added things like performance mesh uppers and soft knit uppers made to let your feet air out and stay breathable as ever. And, if you’re looking for even more lightweight options, find men’s running shoes with Flow technology.
Hit the pavement or conquer the trails—no matter your running style, we’ve got the perfect shoe to ignite your running journey.